Course Content
التخدير 3
Lecture 1: Regional anesthesia: Part 1
28:26 -
Lecture 1: Regional anesthesia: Part 2
27:35 -
Lecture 1: Regional anesthesia: Part 3
24:05 -
Lecture 2: Renal diseases and anesthesia: Part 1
42:14 -
Lecture 2: Renal diseases and anesthesia: Part 2
37:14 -
Lecture 3: Liver diseases and anesthesia: Part 1
54:55 -
Liver 3: Liver diseases and anesthesia: Part 2
44:32 -
Anesthesia MCQ ( Lectures 1-2-3 )
Lecture 4: Anesthesia for Orthopedic surgery
45:33 -
Lecture 5: Anesthesia for Laparoscopic surgery: 1
45:31 -
Lecture 5: Anesthesia for laparoscopic surgery: 2
39:41 -
Lecture 6: Anesthesia for Day Case Surgery
43:04 -
Lecture 7: Non-operating room anesthesia (1)
39:46 -
Lecture 7: Non-operating room anesthesia (2)
28:32 -
Lecture 8: Anesthesia for Ophthalmic Surgery
العناية المركزة 3
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