Course Content
محاضرات العناية المركزة 3
Lecture 1: Respiratory monitoring: Part 1
32:59 -
Lecture 1: Respiratory monitoring: Part 2
26:58 -
Lecture 2: COPD& Asthma: Part 1
53:20 -
Lecture 2: COPD& Asthma: Part 2
59:44 -
Lecture 3: ARDS (1)
47:43 -
Lecture 3: ARDS (2)
32:19 -
Lecture 3: ARDS (3)
01:09:04 -
ICU MCQ ( Lectures 1-2-3)
Lecture 4: ABG: Part 1
44:28 -
Lecture 4: ABG: Part 2
37:19 -
Lecture 4: ABG: Part 3
46:09 -
Lecture 5: CPR: Part 1
44:34 -
Lecture 5: CPR: Part 2
37:18 -
Lecture 6: Mechanical Ventilation in Brain Injured Patients
32:46 -
Lecture 7: Intracranial pressure monitoring and management (1)
51:49 -
Lecture 7: Intracranial pressure monitoring and management (2)
31:20 -
Lecture 8: Fluid therapy for critical pt in ICU: Part 1
39:00 -
Lecture 8: Fluid therapy for critical pt in ICU: Part 2
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